Sub D issue

I am trying to get a grip on SubD modeling, I like it very much , however I often have problems joining exidting sub d elements with new sub D elements I draw later. I this example I used stitch to glue two pair of edges together that i was unable to join otherwise. It worked, but now the smoothed sub D looks weird , since the lines of the curb are not vertical anymore like the ones shown in the picture… Maybe I am using the wrong approach?

here is the file:
subD problem.3dm (179.2 KB)

here is the file before I used the stitching command:

subD problem-before stiching.3dm (176.8 KB)

Thanks for any feedback!


After Stitch, use Add Crease

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After you stitch, switch to box mode (tab) and adjust your model in box mode.

Box mode is essential for troubleshooting SubD model topology and that will help you easily identify issues that need to be fixed.

In your case, which is not typical, something got weird around your creases. I was able to fix it by un creasing and re creasing your edges.

I also played with your topology a bit and made some changes to address flow especially in the corners.

subD problem_kfix.3dm (93.5 KB)

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Thank you so much, Kyle, you are awesome! This is just the best forum period.
I know I am supposed to use box mode but surprisingly the thing looked good in boxmode ! only a little weird in smoothmode

I also played with your topology a bit and made some changes to address flow especially in the corners.

I know, it was terrible… in the meantime I did a few fixes myself… still learning how to establish the right flow … complicated for these situations (corner of building → transitions into a round curb… thanks also for that.



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another one…subD problem-02.3dm (2.0 MB)

OK I got it now… weird… stitch did not work in edged mode… when I switched to smooth mode it worked flawlessly…

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