I get open corers when i fillet the shape that you see on the left.
The actual model helps with problems like these. I assume this is FilletEdge, which works here on something similar. With your model, we might have a better chance at seeing why it is failing for you.
Hello - that one should work in V6 , I’d think, if the top faces are all co-planar - can you please post the file?
With the top divided into 4 co-planar surfaces, like in that picture, this will open up the FilletEdge
If you run MergeAllFaces
on this object first, it will work as expected…
Yes @wim, with MergeAllFaces it works.
Hm. Yes, I can make this happen too- I thought we had this case handled in V6, apparently I’m wrong - I guess it is with the vertical fillet included that did not work in V5 but does in 6…
(Chuck also thought it should be handled - he’ll look at it again - https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-43115)