Split/Trim Selection Order

I’ve noticed that in the commands where you have to select two objects, one to perform an operation on the other, most commands have you select the thing that’s performing the action before the thing that’s receiving the action. For example, Trim asks you to first select the cutting objects and then the object to trim; Extend asks you to select the boundary before the curve to extend. However, Split is the opposite: it asks for the object to split before the cutting objects. I’m wondering why this is reversed, and actually, why they all aren’t in that order because in most cases, I already have the thing I want the operation performed on selected. It’s not necessarily difficult to remember that Split is opposite, just wondering why and if it should be changed to match the other similarly styled commands? Anyone else notice this? (Jon Brock, if any of my terminology is wrong, please don’t roast me, you know what I’m trying to say)

Hello - Trim has to be post select because it trims according to where you pick compared to the trimming object. I suppose Split could be post select but you’d have to say at the selection stage if you want to use a point or isocurve to split with… which gets awkward, the way things are now - Say you start with a curve pre-selected - start Split, it wants the objects to split, if things were reversed, so what would allow splitting with a point on the curve (same with an isocurve and a preselected surface). I think it gets messier, not clearer.


Aha. That makes total sense. Thanks!