Spaces are not filling in properly or at all

All of a sudden my spaces started acting funny, they aren’t filling in, or they are filling into strange areas in the middle of the walls. Does anyone know what is going on here? I can’t figure it out. File is attached

Florance House_14.3dm (16.1 MB)

Hi @seflorance I can see these spaces belong to rooms placed in another level. This is a bug and we will try to fix it as soon as possible. What version of VisualARQ are you running?

Hi Francesc, I am running version - (2020/05/26)

Ok, thanks. I’ll let you know when we fix this problem.

Hi Francesc,

I discovered that if I update all the walls and then update the spaces it seems to fix the problem of the spaces not filling in, perhaps this can be a temporary solution.


Hi @seflorance,

This issue has been solved in VisualARQ 2.9. We don’t have an scheduled release date, but I think it will be released by the end of summer.



Awesome, thanks Enric.

@seflorance we have finally fixed this bug in VisualARQ 2.8.4 version, that is already available to download: VisualARQ 2 - Version 2.8.4 released