Hi, is it possible to align all space stamps? For example 2 mm from the upper left corner of the room.
Regards, Simon
But I think it’s not possible to select all stamps once and move them to the upper corner.
Regards, Simon
That’s true. It is not possible to do this now. We can consider adding some alignment options though.
It would be great.
A second question: Is it possible to create a style like this:
number of the space / finished altitude / construction altitude
Floor tag
Wall tag
Ceiling tag
Regards, Simon
Hi Simon,
That’s not possible so far. We are planning to let the user add any custom information in the space label, and the following step will be the option to customize it a bit further so you can add the data in different formats.
Perfect! Thank you very much.
Hi @simon, we have just published VisualARQ 2.11 which includes the option to display custom parameters in space labels. Just need to type the syntax %<element.parameters[“Name”]>% in the space label contents, in the space styles dialog. Check this out here: VisualARQ 2.11 available - VisualARQ
Perfect. Thank you very much.
Btw., please don’t forget to add space tag rotations! Otherwise they are pretty useless in layout details not aligned to project north.
Hi @Eugen,
Ok, we already have this issue in our wishlist for future versions. We will let you know when it’s ready.
Thanks, I know. It’s been 3 years+ since you added this to the heap.
Maybe this time.
Hi @alfmelbev,
Sorry for reviving an old post, but I’m also wondering if there are any updates about space tag rotation like Eugen mentionned? I’m currently handling a large project with several building orientations, and it would be very useful.
Thank you,
Hi @antoine3 the option to rotate the space label is included in VisualARQ 3.
Thank you! I’m still working with VA2 so I didn’t check VA3.