[SOLVED] Rhino 8 Extrude Component + Untrimmed Surface Bug

Hi fellas,

I´m facing this strange result while extruding an untrimmed surface in Rhino 8 (this same script works fine in Rhino 6 though). I manage to find an alternate solution to achieve the desired result, but I would like to know if I´m missing something here or if this is indeed a bug.

Thanks in advance!

Rhino 8 extrude issue.gh (36.4 KB)

Both versions in your GH file work in R7 but yeah, looks like yet another R8 bug in the first version. Second version works in R8 (and R7).

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Thanks for checking it out, @Joseph_Oster , much appreciated.

Hi Ricardo -

You didn’t describe the “strange result”, nor which exact version of Rhino you are running.

I’m seeing this on (8.4.23362.18001, 2023-12-28):


Hi, @wim Here´s a printscreen of the result I´m seeing.

I´m running Rhino 8 SR2 8.2.23346.13001, 23-12-12 (latest service release available).

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Hi Ricardo -

Thanks for the clarification. It looks like this is fixed in 8.3 or 8.4, then. You can change your update frequency to service release candidates to download a current 8.3 if you wish.

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Hi, @wim

Looks like it´s still not working as it is supposed to in SRC 8.3.23360.13001

It should create the 2 holes present on both surfaces shown below.

Surfaces to extrude:

Wrong Geometry created:

Goal/Geometry expected:

Hi Ricardo -
Thanks, this is on the list as RH-79428 Grasshopper: Extruding surface issue

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You´re very welcome, @wim . Thanks for the follow-up!

This is fixed on v8.4 now.

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Thanks for the update, @kike . Kudos to McNeel for smashing the bugs in such a timely fashion. It would be great if you guys could also take a look on this other bug I´ve found in Contour.


Rhino 7 & 8: bug in Contour - Grasshopper - McNeel Forum

Fixed in SRC 8.4.24009.13521

@kike @wim

[SOLVED] This bug is back with a vengeance in 8.5.24072.13001 !

Hi Ricardo -

This is what I see here (after baking and showing in wireframe):

Do you have a different gh file that you are using now?

I don´t know what happened, but today I opened the very same file (attached here) and it was displayed correctly. As I cannot reproduce it again, I guess all it needed was a PC restart after the installation.

Thanks anyway for checking it out @wim . Marked it back as SOLVED.

No need to put the word [SOLVED] in the topic title. The checkmark shows this already.