Hello everone!
The extrude component seems to be not working on my PC. Does anyone else have this issue?
extrude_not_working.gh (2.9 KB)
Hello everone!
The extrude component seems to be not working on my PC. Does anyone else have this issue?
extrude_not_working.gh (2.9 KB)
Fails here too
I cannot understand why something simple as this that works on a prior release doesn’t work on the next one.
One can see a rationale behind not extruding a plane, which is infinite. But R7 treated it as a 1 x 1 surface, so this breaks legacy code.
Unfortunately the WIP also fails to extrude a surface. And it now extrudes a closed curve as a closed extrusion, whereas R7 created an open (i.e. uncapped) brep, which was more versatile.
I am finding the same since downloading the latest WIP. Thanks for this discussion. Closed extrusion isn’t the worst! I spend some time capping : ) And then everything I do seems to start with some kind of explode…
I believe this issue has been fixed and it should work correctly in the next available WIP release which should occur tomorrow night (Tuesday 8/29).
I believe this began after the “Lightweight Extrusions” update:
And sounds like @kike has it covered:
I just installed the latest version which is (8.0.23234.12305, 2023-08-22).
It seems like the issue is resolved. Although this time I notice something with the planar curves. Please see the attached file. If I supply a X vector everything works as intended but with the Y and Z vectors I don’t get what I used to get.
crv_extrusion.gh (6.3 KB)
Hi Erdem -
Thanks, on the list as RH-76758 Grasshopper: Extrude curve failure
This should be fixed in the next available WIP.
RH-76758 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 2
Thank you all for the help!
Hi @AndyPayne In the latest beta version, the extrude component seemed not working well in some scenario, please see the screenshot and attached testing files below:
go red when using new extrude component.gh (13.4 KB)
Is it intended to lead us to use “extrude linear” component instead in this such scenario?
Hi -
When I move the inputs to the origin, that seems to work fine:
→ RH-77048 Grasshopper: Extrude issue far from origin
This issue should be fixed in next week’s release.
I installed the latest WIP beta downloaded today:
(8.0.23264.9003, 2023-09-21)
I still have problems with the Extrude component in GH with Breps that extruded without any problems in V7. I’ve attached 2 simple GH files. One with an internalized disk surface Brep and the other with an array of extruded ribs. The simple disk surface appears to extrude with the preview geometry, but if you bake it then you’ll see that only the outer cylinder is generated, no top or bottom surfaces. So it isn’t a closed polysurface.
The rib array doesn’t extrude at all and gives the error message on the Extrude component:
Thanks for your help and let me know if you need anything else.
GH Extrude Brep Test - Disk.gh (6.2 KB)
GH Extrude Brep Test - Rib Array.gh (20.3 KB)
The B input on the extrude component requires a surface input and not a brep.
If you explode the brep into separate faces and extrude those, it works fine. It also joins into a single closed brep.
GH Extrude Brep Test - Rib Array.gh (20.8 KB)
Hi Martin:
Thank you for your quick feedback. Your suggestion is working in my larger GH definition, so I’ll run with this for now and post again if I have any other issues that come up in V8. It looks like I was misusing Breps with the Extrude component in V7 and it was generally tolerant to that input, but I did occasionally see issues and that could have been the cause.
I have two same situations but the first is started by an open curve and the second by a closed curve (this is the only difference I can see). The first it works, the second it doesn’t work. It seems very strange to me because both extrusions are from an open break. I hope it’s a bug because if I must transform each time breps to surfaces only this is hell in my big projects.
Extrude Open Brep Issue.gh (8.0 KB)