Rhino 8 - Grasshopper Component is not working like it used to

Hi there,
Netzwerk gespiegelt V4 - Kopie.gh (76.8 KB)

i just installed Rhino 8. Some of my GH Models don’t work anymore. Especially the surface split component could split an extrusion. In Rhino 8 it tells me that the conversion from extrusion to surface faild. It was working in Rhino 7.
Has anybody an idea why it isn’t working anymore?

Looks like a bug that is a result of adding extrusion objects to gh.

I made a temp fix:
Netzwerk gespiegelt V4 - temp-fix.gh (80.1 KB)

After digging some more, it is a problem with degree 2 curves,
I logged RH-78595 data conversion failed from extrusion to surface

thx a lot for the quick help!
unfortunatly i found another conversion bug

conversion failed.gh (8.9 KB)

can you include the mesh as well? I tried with a blob and don’t see those issues:

Yes, its only with scan data/STL file
mesh.stl (3.9 MB)

still works here, it might be bug that is solved recently, though I could not find it. please run _SystemInfo in Rhino and post back the results.

Strange, i just downloaded the newest version

Systeminfo.txt (2.9 KB)

I am testing this in the current 8.x, which is 8.3 right now, the public release that you are using is the latest. But this bug has been addressed apparently.

I’m getting a similar issue:

Sorry I can’t send an example file because cut/paste in GH is also broken?



@kiteboardshaper moved your reply to this topic, was a duplicate of this one. See my answer above your post.
@Martin25 pls don’t double post issues, thanks!

This will be fixed on next RC of v8.2

RH-78595 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 2