Solid union not working

So I have a lot of bodies I would like to combine into a single body. When I pass all the bodies to the union command, it just spits out the same disjointed bodies. I have found a working method using an anemone loop, but it is really slow.

Does anyone know of a way to get a single solid body without the need for the loop?


Combine bodies (70.2 KB)

hope to have understood correctly, the only component of interest is this Geometry here:

Solid union works well in in R8 SR16 (8.16.25028.13001, 2025-01-28) after flattening the input

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Sorry I didn’t save after I had chopped out the preceding steps and internalized the geometry. But good thing I didn’t because flattening solved my problem. Thank you so much, especially for answering questions for newbies like me.