Smoothing basic geometry to create complex surfacing (Handle example)

Does anyone remember an example file that was shown that took a basic pipe and some blocks in the shape of a handle and used remeshing and smoothing to make a more complex surface blend? I keep searching for this and keep coming up empty handed.

can you give some more detail? was it a tutorial, a you tube, a pdf, etc? any idea where you saw it?

here is a rough sketch that I did as I remember it. I think it was a one page website that talked about taking blocks of geometry to make the overall shape you wanted. Then using tri-remensh to combine and smooth the geometry. and once that was done you were able to use the new quad remensh to go back to surfaces.

@BrianJ r @DanielPiker, does this look familiar to either of you?

I don’t recall seeing the site described.
The workflow seems reasonable though, and I could make an example showing something similar.
Did anything need to stay fixed during the smoothing step, or the whole shape gets smoothed?

-edit - maybe something from near the end of this thread? Will Sub-D provide new and better ways to fillet? - #66 by Trav

Appreciate the help but no special treatment needed here. I can work though getting this process to work for me. Just wanted to find the page that I keep thinking about to see if there was something I was missing.

I am a concept modeler and would just be using the process to create artistic geometry and general representations of geometry. I also work closely with a group of poly modelers so just sharing process with the team. this workflow can quickly generate more complex geometry with basic input.

Just to add… if mesh Booleans fail to merge the QuadRemesh or Tri-Remeshed objects from GH, an alternate workflow I like is to run them through the Dendro plugin into voxel volumes… then QuadRemesh > ToSubD and ToNURBS if needed.

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