Ok, I’ve been slowly modelling this new design, it has tested my average 3d skills for sure ! I’ve tried 3 different approaches as follows,
1- creating outline curves from my sketches and attempting to surface model it all (it all got messy and confusing)
2- I created an ellipsoid and tried cage editing, pulling control points etc, (ended up looking horrible)
3- i created an ellipsoid again, and did some preliminary pulling of control points, I then extracted some of the iso curves which I then edited further to look like the profiles I need, I then did a network surface command and its kind of getting there, it’s not 100% but its ok, still more tweaks to do.
So my question is to some of you more advanced modellers out there, what would be your approach to this ? What commands and workflow would work best ? tia, cheers, Miles
Hi MIles - I think a rebuilt sphere or ellipsoid is a reasonable starting point for a shape like this if you want to make it a single-surface exercise - here are some tools and things I’d think about if I were going to do this:
InsertKnot RemoveKnot MoveUVN Zebra Emap SetPt
Basically, keep it as simple as you can for as long as you can - use InsertKnot sparingly as needed to get more local control as you need it. Where possible, use the MidPoints setting in InsertKnot to keep the spacing reasonably uniform - the editing will behave better on a uniform surface. MakeUniform will smooth things out in some cases but will change the shape some…
Hi Pascal, thanks for the input, yes I’d completely forgotten about MoveUVN, I’m sure that will help a little more. I’m not at all familiar with using insert/remove knot command, I shall look into this, cheers, Miles