Hi. First of all I want to apologize cause I already post questions about this model. I learn a lot with it. Still I am getting super frustrated cause I want to make a render with it…and I would like to have it as ‘clean’ as possible in order to export it to Modo to make the uvs.
I know there is not a ‘better’ software, but maybe there is something where someone with my knowledge can solve it faster. So once you read the topic, if you believe I can get done the model in another software I would like to be aware of that. I am also building it with a CNC. The reason why I want to be so thorough with the model is cause I want to learn from it.
This is what I built in Rhino:
As you can see the model is extremely dense and ‘messy’.
The method:
- Polysurface (with filleted edges).
- Oblique planes to intersect the polysurface ----> Outcome used as rials
- 2 profile curves for each sweep2.
I am trying and learning by recreating the strips with more profile curves and reconstructing the rials. I am not sure why, but Intersection curves are extremely dense.
This is a sample of my way, I am sure this IS WRONG:
Well, first…it is extremely tedious to make each surface re-building every curve. Still taking aside that aspect…I need to match every contiguous surface and when I do that…the strips start to have gaps between them. When I join one entire ‘loop’ to the next one I have naked edges.
I even sent an email to Mcneel to talk with someone that can explain me the ‘logic’ to build this under the ‘correct’ way , or at least the less problematic. They answered that I should post on the forum.
If anyone have the time. I can even pay a class, online talk…I really want to understand how to build this.
My idea is to export it afterwards to MODO in order to make the UV . I can not do that in Rhino for Mac.
Thanks a lot, and hope you can give me a hand.