Simple sweep in rhino6

Hi all,
I really struggle with the simple sweep in rhino 6. I have all conditions i thought i needed:

  • curves are uniform
  • V-direction same amount of control point and degree (same for U-direction)
  • end-points of rails and profile curves nicely matching.
    And still it doesn’t create a simple sweep. (meaning amount of control points don’t match with input curves). I started having this issue since rhino 6.
    Any advice is more then welcome. I’ll attach an example issue.
    simple issue.3dm (101.4 KB)

Thanks Lieven

Sweep2 used with the curves in the attached file result in a simple sweep in both Rhino 6 and Rhino 7.

Wow, so closing open files and quitting and restarting rhino resolved the issue. Bizar.

With more complex curves simple sweeps using Sweep2 may not be possible.

please - make simple-Sweep more accessible / give feedback / or additional command:
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