Hello Enthusiasts and Experts,
I am brand, brand new at Grasshopper and have been trying to accomplish what I think to be a very simple task but have not been able to do a simple split along a rectangle at specified points.
The below is what I eventually want to accomplish, to create three figures or groups of geometry that are able to change according to parameters x and y through simple inputs of integers or floats and retain their proportions/relationships.
I’ve so far managed to get as far as drawing the first figure, then taking that data and building out the foundations for the second, finding the intersection points, and overlaying everything:
but when I go to shatter it won’t accept the Params (here: a set of points) and will not split at the points.
I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, and it feels like such a rudimentary ask. I’ve uploaded both the Rhino file and Grasshopper file. I appreciate your help so much!
RectangularCanopy_VisualScript2.gh (34.6 KB) CanopyDrawingExample.3dm (169.0 KB)