Hi all, I have a (most probably simple) question with regards to views/viewports.
I basically would like to change the angle at which each view is set at. For example, for the front view pictured below, I would like it to change it to the red angle.
Update: As I was researching I found a way to get what I am looking for. I did so by creating a new CPlane and use “Front View of CPlane”. While I got what I wanted, I suspect this is not ‘good practice’ – could you let me know if there’s a better way to do that?
I was thinking first of the command “Orient camera to surface” but the view does not behave as front view (e.g. camera is rotated when you try to pan the view).
Testing on my rhino I found a really better way that I will use now : set a CPlane in the orientation desired and simply run the command “Plan”.
You’re welcome ! That was a thing I was wondering how to do properly some time ago so I’m glad you asked so I could investigate it
I don’t know exactly which command you used but on my side when using Set View > CPlane > Front the camera is still in perspective view (a bit more configuration if you need an ortho view) and you need shift + RMB to pan (really unconveniant if you want to stay on the same orientation).
On a side note I realized at some point that there’s no “good practice” with Rhino, most
of the time there’s several ways of doing the same thing, the deal is to find what is more conveniant / straightforward / reliable in your case