Shrink wrap 5m 10sec and just a few bits

I have a wall and some flattened foliage aft of it, Shrink wrap 5m 10secs and result just a few parts. not the entire wall.
My first ever use and probably not fare to do foliage and a wall.
probably fare to trip the foliage away first.

Is shrink wrap a slow process ?
Its not on any layer, by that its not the layer colour, its a dull olive green, selecting it and using tools select object layer and it shows its on the white layer along with the mesh, change the layer to cyan and its still olive green

It hasnt the image of the wall, its just this dull olive green colour.
How do I get it to take on the bricks image of the wall ?

I create a block to trim the foliage with,
I run MeshTrim
and 2 mins later I am still waiting, then its done and the wall is gone, so undo wait 30secs, select the box then click the folaige and the side of the box gets trimmed, so undo and try again, select box then go wireframe and click the foliage, and wait and wait.
2m 36 sec and the main foliage is gone, but many bits remain, select one bit and it vanishes, drag a selection box over the bits and wait and wait,
get not responding.

try again, select the mesh and group it so selecting a bit of a twig will do all the twigs etc.
2m33secs and meshtrim done, and they still remain. some were above my box,
so make box higher,
run meshtrim and see that all the bits were still there, so run command gaian, select one bit, as its grouped all should be trimmed.

wait again 2m 20secs

AND STILL THE BITS REMAIN when the GPU quitens down and all is done.

this is 2 hrs on importing a wall to shrink wrap so fat.

I go back to Agisoft and decomate to 1,000,000 faces from 4,540,000 and

its awful.

back to agisoft good one and trim the foliage away takes 1 second !!!

export model as suffix trimmed grasses.
Import to Rhino8 30 secs again.
move to 0,0, 30 secs each time.
run ShrinkWrap command.

45secs this time.

just a few bits.

obj is 676Mb so unable to post it here.

the new foliage trimmed wall is:-
Valid mesh.
Open double precision polygon mesh: 2360370 vertices, 4570769 faces
Bounding box: (-18.932,-0.426,-1.074) to (19.433,46.090,13.671)
Geometry UserData:
UserData ID: 769DDDD4-1756-4c95-A026-8E975D704AEA
saved in file: no
copy count: 0


Hi, make the mesh a Block, using block command.
shrinkwrapp it on default settings
44 secs not not 5mins so block command helped.
this thanks to Holo.

still nothing though.

does it need to be a solid object, do I need to place a rear face to it etc ?

that would be a flat face made of polygons etc,then join it to it, how is that done ?


shrinkwrap will not work on an open or single surface model.

you will want to make this into a model that captures some volume. It does not need to be watertight, BUT it needs to be closed up well enough that shrinkwrap can fill the holes that remain. Also the holes cannot be larger than the setting on the edge length setting in Shrinkwrap.

a common fix for this is to make surfaces that overlap the holes, allowing the shapes to capture a closed volume see below-

hi @Steve1 have you seen this? Rhino - ShrinkWrap

If the mesh is open you can do what Kyle mentioned, or alternatively, thicken the mesh by inflating the mesh vertices instead.