Shrink Wrap issue

Does anyone know why Shrink Wrap is not working properly on this mesh. Thank you

Can you upload the file?

@ftzuk sure

Rhino Test Shrink Wrap.3dm (5.7 MB)

No issues here :woman_shrugging:

I get the same results, very strange :man_shrugging:t4:

Because you are using ShrinkWrap on a block.

This seems to be a bug. For now, you can either explode or select the block → ExtractRenderMeshShrinkWarp.

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yep, explode, run shrinkwrap, works

Hi -

Using ShrinkWrap on blocks appears to work just fine.
When you run Explode on this object and then run ShrinkWrap, the result is as expected. The back cushions, though, are still blocks.

At any rate, there seems to be a weird combination of things going on with this object and I’ve put this on the list as RH-86423 Shrinkwrap: Failure Sample