Here’s a little background about what we do when saving files. This may help you diagnose what’s going on with your sys admin. Consider that you’re saving a file named “MyFile.3dm”
- Rhino creates a temporary file named something like RHIB4A4.tmp and writes the entire model to that file.
- Rhino calls Microsoft’s ReplaceFile function which does the following:
- If MyFile.3dm exists, it is renamed to MyFile.3dmbak
- RHIB4A4.tmp is renamed to MyFile.3dm
- If Rhino’s “Create Backup File” option is disabled, then Rhino tries to delete the MyFile.3dmbak file.
One might think that simply writing over the original file is the best way to go. But here are problems we’ve seen in the past:
- Rhino fails to save the file, thereby corrupting not only the original file, but also the one you try to save. If you don’t notice, then your data is gone.
- Rhino runs out of disk space in the middle of the save. Same problem as before: the original file is gone, and the only thing left is what is in memory in Rhino.
Do you experience this symptom with any other applications?
Nick, I can only speculate about what’s going on here. Can you try to do the same steps as outlined above - by hand - using text files? Of course, you won’t be calling the Windows ReplaceFile function, but it will demonstrate that you have full permissions to create and delete files. If your test succeeds, but Rhino continues to fail, let me know.
Can you try the manual steps I described above, too?
Mitch, can you delete files from the network drive by hand? It seems like during the save process, Rhino doesn’t have permissions to delete the file.