I would like to display a result from various calculations as text in the Shapediver. The value has one decimal. No matter if I round this value or not in the Shapediver it only shows 1.2 at 1208.6. In Rhino it shows the complete value. A 3D tag is used for mapping. But even if I continue to calculate with this value in the Shapediver, it always divides it by 1000.
I could not reproduce this issue on my side. Could you share a simple Grasshopper definition with such a tag that shows the wrong value after uploading to ShapeDiver?
if I enter the values directly into the panel it works. I have been using a similar Grashopper definition with Shapediver for 9 months without the error.
This might be an issue with different tolerance settings between your local machine and the ShapeDiver servers. You can use the Tolerance Settings component of the plugin to make sure the ShapeDiver servers use the tolerance values you expect.
Please read carefully the warning on the page I linked above: the values need to be set directly inside the component, instead of connecting numbers to the various inputs.