Hi! I am trying to make a script for nesting on shapediver. But it fails each time I am trying to run open nest component. Maybe my version of grasshopper/opennest does not work with provided backend? Everything works perfectly locally (Rhino 8.16.25) I would highly appreciate rapid reply.
Nesting shapediver.gh (47.4 KB)
Drawing1.dwg (42.0 KB)
Can you give more details about what fails exactly and how to reproduce the issue?
I downloaded your Grasshopper file and tried to input the dwg file you attached to the Import Geometry component. My laptop has been stuck on the computation for the past five minutes, so I am assuming this is also what is happening on ShapeDiver
This might be a consequence of different tolerance settings on your laptop vs. the servers and my instance. You can try to add a tolerance settings component to your definition to import your settings and apply them to the distant servers.
Hi Mathieu! No, in my case DWG is not the issue. It uploads everything correctly locally and on shapediver. It does not compute when i press compute nesting.
Locally works fine:
@dfytz1 I have also tested and my Grasshopper also gets stuck. Which Rhino service release do you have installed on your computer?
@dfytz1, your Rhino Version is a Service Release Candidate
, not a Service Release
, so it is still not an official one. I recommend you change the update frequency to Service Release
, as those official versions are what we try to keep up to date on our servers. This way, you can experience the same issues on your local computer and in ShapeDiver.
That said, the problem is that your geometry is massive as you import and then scale up. This happens because the import component brings the geometry in the units your Rhino is in. Your Rhino is probably set in meters, whereas ours is set by default in mm, which is why we see the geometry so big.
The solution lies in the Dwg units
parameter that you have, but how you set it up is not correct. Instead, you need to use the tolerance settings component as recommended by @mathieu1. This will automatically change the Rhino settings that run on our servers.
Additionally, I recommend you to use the curve to polyline component before connecting the geometry in the OpenNest component as you have a circle which will nest way faster if you send it as a polyline:
Finally, to display hatches in the ShapeDiver viewer, you need to either use the explode component after the hatch, for which you need to define the hatch name, lines, size, etc., or in your case if you want to leave it as solid, connect instead the boundary surface directly in the display.
I am attaching the file with the changes. I have also tested it in ShapeDiver, and it works.
Nesting shapediver_reviewed.gh (72.7 KB)
Huge thank you. Will test this and report tomorrow.
It worked out great, thank you guys. Quick responses, working solution. You are reliable team.