Shadow Issues

Hi @nathanletwory
I started from the template Large objects meters (see file attached).
230518 Shadow.3dm (434.7 KB)

I guess I have two complaints in this thread (which is never good).

  1. One issue is: In the rendered mode, the cast shadow disappears with the extent of the scene, even with very minimum geometry. In the attached file, besides the test with the increasing planes, I moved one wall 100 meters away. Even with the 20×20 plane the cast shadow dissolves. This is likely at the origin of a previous complaint ( Quick Question: should display mode rendered show shadows when sun is on? - Rhino / Rhino for Windows - McNeel Forum).
    Open the attached file; sequentially turn on layers plane200x200 and plane400x400; then turn off those two layers and turn on Geom100m.

    20×20 > > 400×400

  2. The other issue is: Both in raytracing mode and in rendered mode, the face shade is very faint, especially in contrast with the cast shadow that ends abruptly on the corner. The shaded surface should be closer to the cast shadow, than to the lit surface. In fact in the examples below, it actually looks that the shaded faces are lighter than the lit faces…
    Open the attached file and notice is on views 001 in rendered and raytraced mode.