Shaded View Displays Some Objects as Wireframe

I am opening a rhino 6 file in rhino 8. In a rendering software, or in ghosted mode, the objects all read correctly. Yet in shaded mode, a random assortment of objects read as wireframe, while others display normally.

I have tried adjusting the material, checking my display mode settings, and using the “refresh shade” command but nothing seems to fix it.

These are my shaded settings:

This is a screenshot of the problem:

I would love any help!

Have you tried if the SetObjectDisplayMode command helps?

Just tried that, it may be a workaround where I could set the affected objects to ghosted mode so I can better tell where they are, however setting them to “shaded” does not change their appearance at all.

Have you set them to “Use view” to reset the display mode of the selected objects?

Yes, unfortunately that did not work.

Hi @Andrea_Koehnlein
Are they, by chance, blocks? There is a logged bug with the display of blocks, IIRC.
HTH, Jakob

No, they aren’t :confused:

The objects tend to be assigned to enscape materials. The problem in how they are displayed by rhino persists with enscape open.

Hi @Andrea_Koehnlein
Just wondering if RefreshShade will fix it, which would indicate that the original rendermesh is somehow - at least from Rhino 8’s point of view - corrupted.

It does not

Hi Andrea -

Please export one of those objects and post the resulting 3dm file here.