Setting the default file template

How do I reset the default template in Rhino 5

While Rhino is running, start the New command so the template list comes up.
Select the one you want, and then check the option box on the file dialog:


Thanks John. I tend to use the large objects millimeters file and clearly at some point I have overridden that file with a model file which I dont want to use so I need to reset that particular file to a blank large object -millimeters file. If that makes sense

If you run the “ToolbarReset” command, all of the template files will be replaced with defaults. This requires a Rhino restart.

It will also wipe out any menu/toolbar customizations you have made in the default.rui file, unless you saved your customizations to a uniquely named UI file.

OK thanks. Will give that a go

Nope. That doesnt do it. But at least I dont have my toolbars anymore…

Hi Allen - (only one Rhino open)… ToolbarReset, close and reopen Rhino, leaves you with no toolbars?


No I have the drop down menus along the top but I want the docked toolbars for all the general drawing and modelling stuff. Cant seem to find them…

Hello - open Options > Toolbar page - is there a toolbar listed there as open (Should be Default.rui). If so make sure the Standard group is checked:


Hi Pascal. Thanks. I did it a different way. I knew everything would get screwed up on the reset so I saved a blank formated file which had all my old settings. I then overwrote the template file that I had obviously overwritten months ago with the new empty one and I have my Rhino looking how it always has done and Its an empty file. Thanks to you and John

To elaborate:
Go til File — New — Choose your custom template — Tick: “Use this file when Rhino opens”


This works for me. Get all your toolbars saved. Tools>Toolbar Layout>File>Save All. Then to make this stick go File>Exit and give it whatever filename you want. Then re-open it and get your template as you want it (Annotation styles, Grid Size etc). Then do File>Save as Template. Then go File>New and select the template in the template files dialog box. At the bottom of this dialog box check the ‘Use this file when rhino starts’ check box.

Cool. Thank you!

Hi. I just learned this trick yesterday and it really helps.
I get a lot of data in .E57 format which I then open and work with in Rhino.
Even though I’ve set my default template to have units of feet and annotations in feet, If I double-click an E57 file on my hard drive, rhino opens automatically but it opens the E57 data set in a new file with units of meters and annotations in millimeters.
Is there a way that I can tell rhino to open E57 files with the default template?
I learned the metric system in the seventh grade when Carter was president but I’m not ready to go back to it now.

Open a new blank file based on the template you want, then use Import instead of Open to open your .e57 file.