Set cplane 3point no effect right view pane

I think I understand Cplanes then something doesnt work again.
default new file, and top I have for top, front for front and right for side view.
Brain likes that, bet I am not the only one.

Construction planes set to Standard.
draw a box 1ft square to set Cplane to so its 1ft higher up.
use Set Cplane 3 point.
1st click the corner of box above 0,0
2nd click the edge of box corner above red axis, 3rd click corner of box above green axis.

doing this in perspective view.

result it moves to where expected, in perspective view, top view and front view, BUT right view hasnt moved.


how can it be 1ft higher in some but not all ?

try working on the model with that conundrum !

Cplane tractor raise 1ft step 3

the good thing is my top is top, front front and side is still side,
(yes I know its nothing to do with name, but its comfortable this way)

Tractor default cplane test set cplane 3 point doesnt move in lower right pane.3dm (133.4 KB)

I was working on a file and needed Cplane up by 3/4 inch, so drew the block, did all this and in side view it hadnt moved. Try it on tractor and get same failure. Had to end the job as a result.

I just feel like Cplanes hate me. I never ever get what I need from them. I am sure other users would also be baffled.


Not sure about that - might want to check all that again… Doing what you specified above here does NOT change the CPlane in the Front or Top views.

When CPlanes are set to “Standard” - moving/changing a CPlane in one viewport (doesn’t matter which one) does not affect any of the others. That’s how it works. So if you set a new CPlane in the Perspective viewport, all the others remain as before.

If you have “Universal” CPlanes set, moving/changing a CPlane in one viewport affects ALL of the others.

Universal construction planes

The behavior of the construction planes in the viewports is linked. They all share the same origin and are positioned normal to each other. Moving, rotating, or otherwise changing the construction plane in one viewport, changes the construction planes in the other viewports, so the 90-degree/right angle/normal orientation of the construction planes is maintained.

If a construction plane is defined in some view, the Front view for example, and Universal mode is enabled, then the construction plane that was defined will be the Front plane of the new universal plane.

Standard CPlanes

A construction plane is like a tabletop that the cursor normally moves on. The construction plane has an origin, x and y axes, and a grid. The construction plane can be set to any orientation, and each viewport’s construction plane is independent of those in other viewports.

Personally I do not like universal planes, I like them to stay where I put them. I also never change the CPlanes in any viewport other than perspective, so I always know where the CPlanes are in the ortho views. But that’s just my way of working, YMMV.

Other things you might want to look at:

  • CPlane>Elevation will set the CPlane higher or lower (move along its Z-Axis) by entering a number. The X and Y axes remain unchanged.

  • CPlane>Origin moves the origin point (0,0,0) of the local CPlane to a new point without changing its orientation in space.

  • Named CPlanes - store and recall frequently used CPlanes.

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Universal allows it to change in all views but front becomes side and top bottom and other changes.

Jeff I recall and found, did a youtube on how to get all 4 views as expected using 3point method, by creating a box then setting cplane using 3point to each face of box and naming the Cplanes as he did so, then selecting top and choosing top cplane, selecting right and selecting right cplane and front and selecting front, and finally perspective and choosing perspective.

It did the trick. BINGO !

Pascal also suggested a command SetCplaneAllViews, I now try that after setting Cplane in Perspective view for TOP view, and we get ALL VIEWS as per Jeff without the many steps involve. DOUBLE BINGO !

Jeffs video is:-

I have done it this time on my test tractor.

Somehow I had taken the idea from videos seen where folk set the cplane once and are up and running, with that ‘use it once’ approach I have forever been struggling with changed views .

This now at last solves that. FANTASTIC milestone in understanding Cplanes.

The problems Universal gave had almost scared me off forever on Cplanes.

I bet there is another hurdle somewhere though.

I couldn’t see how one could set a cplane in a side view needing to select three corners of the box .

Jeff’s method shows you can decide where the Cplane need sto be on the cube then naming it one can set the view to that saved Cplane.

However Pascals suggestion of CopyCPlaneAllViews saves doing that for each view.

I would like to see this pinned (as is the forum term) for all those struggling with Cplanes !

Do we have a pinned area to do such in ?

I had worked my way through the training manuals but never recall a 4 stage process for creating a Cplane. Also if I wanted left view or bottom view then even more cube clicking would be needed. I count 7 separate setting sessions just for one Cplane if all views are to be used during a build. CopyCPlaneAllViews is essential in this. I need to experiment with CplaneRotate another Pascal suggestion as well.

Thank you @pascal



this fails, yet I was so pleased it worked.

I have a reclined back chair, and to work on the back I decide to try Cplanes.
I draw a rectangle box to match the back. with its lower left corner at 0,0
I save Cplane.
In perspective view…
I set Cplane 3Point, first click at 0,0
2nd on lower edge end of box on x axis.
third click edge of box on Y axis.

and the Cplane in perspective view is now on the back of the chair. GOOD.
However the ortho views havent changed.

Then I find this thread, which I had hoped was sticky.

I apply the command CopyCPlaneToAll, click in the perspective pane, and nothing happens.
That was the moment the other views should have also changed to have the Cplane for the chair back, but top has Cplane still for the seat base, etc.

Now whats wrong ?

Construction Planes are set to Standard so its not that.

Will I ever get there ?


Hi Steve,

This seems to work ok in R5 here. Can you post the model of the chair?