Set Assembly origin from within GH

Hello @kike,

Is it possible to also set the Assembly origin with a plane when an Assembly is created in GH?



Hi Dan, Good news, there is a method in the Revit API

I’ll have to dig into this a little more, it’s a bit different than typical plane location and would require scripting or a new component.


Great news! I’ll follow this topic and will look for updates in the coming Daily Builds.


‘Assembly Origin’ is now on v1.9

Thanks so much @kike !

@kike and @Japhy

Please see attached .gh file. I am creating assemblies and trying to set the origin, but it’s not updating properly in the Revit doc.

How can I share the .rvt file? It’s too big to attach here. (15.5 KB)


Dan, Please upload here and I’ll take a look. What revit version?

Upload Privately

Hi Dan, Everything seems to be OK here. Is this still an issue?


Yes, thank you, I did get it working. But there was just one wall that wasn’t cooperating. I adjusted it manually.



@kike and @Japhy

Out of curiosity, is there a chance that the creation of Assembly Views is on the roadmap for future development?

Now that we’re able to create, edit and orient Assemblies, all we need is to make drawings!



Here’s an a go at it using python scripts.

You’ll need to get in and dig around a bit to get it to work for you, let me know if you have any questions.

Assembly_102_Curtain Wall Make (39.3 KB)

1 Like

Hi Dan,

I think I am having the same issue as you. I’m trying to set a new origin for a list of assemblies, but the Assembly Origin component is not setting the new origin on Revit. The strange thing is that if I preview the Assembly Origin component in the Rhino viewport, it shows the new origins/planes, but if I go to Revit, the assemblies show the original/old origins. How did you manage to solve your issue?

Hi Fernandomaytorena,

A quick test here look OK.



Testing Environment:

1.24.8962.17452 (2024-07-15T09:41:44)

Rhino: 8.10.24197.18001 (Rhino 8)
Revit: 2025.0 (
CLR: 8.0.0 (8.0.0+5535e31a712343a63f5d7d796cd874e563e5ac14)
OS: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.22631.0

Hi Japhy,

Thanks for your response. My problem is actually reorienting the origin’s plane, not moving it. I am batch-creating views for wall assemblies, so I need every assembly’s Y-axis (green) to be oriented toward the wall’s normal vector so that the Front and Back views show the correct faces. Every assembly’s Y-axis points to the North when I create the assemblies through another Grasshopper script, which is why I need to be able to reorient the assemblies’ origin plane.

I uploaded my Revit model to the “Upload Privately” link you shared above, and I’m sharing the Grasshopper definition in this post. (15.7 KB)

Hopefully you can recreate my issue and help me sort this out. Thanks.


Rhino.Inside Revit: 1.23.8919.31374 (2024-06-02T17:25:48)
Rhino: 8.8.24170.13001 (Rhino 8)
Revit: 2024.2.10 (
CLR: 4.0.30319.42000 (4.8.9256.0)
OS: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.22631.0

Rotating the origin doesn’t appear to change the View direction of Front,Back,Left,Right,Top

I mean the Assembly Views. I’m attaching two screenshots as a reference.

In the first one, the assembly’s Y-axis (green arrow) origin is oriented along the wall (parallel), therefore, the Assembly’s Front and Back views are actually showing the wall’s sides, instead of the wall’s front and back elevations.

In the second one, the assembly’s Y-axis (green arrow) origin is oriented along the wall’s normal vector (perpendicular to the wall), therefore, the Assembly’s Front and Back views are correctly showing the wall’s front and back elevations. This is what I’m looking to accomplish, the be able to orient each assembly’s Y-axis perpendicular to the assembly’s wall.

Apologies, i think on my first try i rotated it twice.

If you rotate the Assembly Origin plane you will get the desired result.