Rhino.Inside create assembly views

I am working with assemblies in revit. I’ve created a assembly, it shows up in the project browser. now i want to create the assembly views using grasshopper. Is there a way doing this using the rhino.inside nodes. or is this only possible using a python or C# node script to acces the revit API.

I just want to acces and control the parameters shown in the image below.

There is a feature request for this, granted is a bit dusty but to be fair the assembly workflows don’t come up often.

Working with assemblies can be tricky & best done at the very end, more of a post production process.

Here’s a scripted example from a while ago in R22.

The assemblies are existing Curtain Panels & their attachment clips.

The definition is broken into several parts.

Create the Detail, Elevations Views and add them to a Sheet.

Create a 3D view and then Add to the Sheet.

Then the same with a Schedule

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RiR-R7-Assembly_Curtain Wall Make Views.gh (41.5 KB)
In the example you can just run through the steps and you’ll end up with something like this…

Hi Japhy,

Thanks for your quick reply. Do you have an example only to create the views with a list of assemblies, a list of views to be created and the scale of the views. For me it is not necessary to place them on a sheet. that would be of great help.

I modified the script to just make the views.

RiR-R7-Assembly_Curtain Wall Make Only Views.gh (18.5 KB)

Many thanks!

Thank Japhy, i can create views for Assembly. but i can not create sheet and i can not put these views to sheet. Can you please to help do it? I am sorry that i am a newbie.


Are you are using this definition and Revit file clicking the Buttons in order (with Refreshes at step 3 & 6) ?

thanks, i can create sheets. But i can not control coordination of viewport, please help me!

Can you be more specific?

This part of the script places the View on a sheet.

The MD Slider component needs to be set to your Sheet Size.

In this example its an 11"x17" paper with the units converted to our Revit internal units (decimal feet)

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Hi @Japhy, I picked this script up and used it recently, (Make Only Views version), it worked the first time, and created the Assembly views in Revit. However I deleted the elements and when I tried using it again it did not work. Does it have some tracking functionality that I might be missing?

Element Tracking isn’t available for scripted components at this time. It is a feature we want to add in the future.

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Hi @Japhy,

Thanks for the GH example.
I have tried to create 3D view, but I do not get any output.

To query 3d views for the input of python code, I have created Revit 3D View.
I need more information about input and of Query Views component.

Lastly, what is the input for BO of the Python script? I do not see any lines request input.

Thanks in advance.

The BO input was left over from a previous workflow, i don’t recall what it was referring to.

Are you using the sample rvt above? Rhino.Inside create assembly views - #3 by Japhy

Hi @Japhy,

Thanks for the reply.
I see… Than I can ignore BO input…

I was wondering what input of Query View component. Now I understood that this input is the query named view is view template or not…

The defenition is working since I have a view template with the correct name.
Thanks for your help Japhy.


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Hi Japhy,

I’m working on this topic again and I have two questions.
1: I’m not able to edit the python script. is it possible to create an output of the created assembly views per assembly?
2: I’m struggling to align the vector of the assembly origin. I want to have all my assembly views facing the same way (perpendicular to the assembly).

attached a fully purged rvt. file and the script used.

stelkozijnen_v4.gh (62.7 KB)
Test_assembly.rvt (17.2 MB)