Move internal origin in Revit to suit existing Rhino model


Apologies if this topic has been repeated before but I could not find the exact issue I have.

I have an existing site model in Rhino which is at an X,Y,Z coordinates X= 549851.0564
Y = 245025.4786 Z = 64.8224.

I am looking to create a new Revit structural model based on the site model in Rhino at the coordinates above using Rhino Inside Revit. When I start a new project in Revit the internal origin is at 0,0,0. I ‘specify the coordinates at point’ at the internal origin in Revit to the coordinates above. When I use the ‘project location’ component in Grasshopper it is at 0,0,0 in Rhino and not to the coordinates I specified in Revit.

In summary, is there any way to move the internal origin in Revit to suit the site model in Rhino? This is so it is not a thousand miles away when I model my new structure in Revit. I understand with Revit you cannot move the internal origin but can specify coordinates at point.

Again, apologies if this has been discussed but with an existing site model so far from the Revit’s internal origin it is difficult to create the structure as it makes the structure become skewed and has graphical issues :(.

Not sure if the images will work, if not I will try another way.

Thanks in advance,


Hi Stephen,

I changed the forum category to Rhino.Inside - Revit.

Revit and Revit share the same base of 0,0,0 at all times. The Autodesk shared coordinate system can reorient the project as you know, this feature is not available in Rhino.

In general you want your Rhino geometry to be as close to 0,0 as possible, due to the floating point maths involved.

There are several strategies for dealing with this. Typically you will transform you geometry in grasshopper from 0,0 to the Shared coordinate (plane).

Here is an example of orienting linked revit elements on different positions. Rhino.Inside®.Revit

note that you want to use Planes, not Points. Planes handle rotation, whereas points do not.

Hi Japhy,

Many thanks for your quick response, this is exactly what I needed.

Thank you,
