Serious Import CAD/ Rhino.Inside interference in Revit 2020.1

Situation A

  1. Open Revit
  2. Load Once Rhino.Inside
  3. Open project
  4. Go to tab: Insert - Import CAD - (import 3dm) - Import successful
  5. Tap “RR” to launch Rhino.Inside (nothing happens)

Situation B

  1. Open Revit
  2. Load Once Rhino.Inside
  3. Open project
  4. Tap “RR” to launch Rhino.Inside
  5. Go to tab: Insert - Import CAD - (import 3dm) - error


Tested several times.
With the latest Rhino.Inside, Rhino WIP and Revit 2020.1


This is an already reported problem (Unable to import 3dm file after RiR installed in Revit 2018) with a workaround, but still not fixed.

You can use “Sample 8” button on the Rhino.Inside Revit to import 3DM files in similar way Revit does. It imports points, meshes, curves, breps and “materials”.

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I’ve missed that topic out. This workaround seems fine for me.