Serengeti prevents Vray from loading in Rhino 5

Looks like the Serengeti installation messes with Rhino 5. After installing Rhino WIP Vray wouldn’t load in Rhino 5. Now I uninstalled Rhino WIP and Vray loads fine again in Rhino 5.

gr, Tobias

cannot confirm that with

Version 5 SR9 64-bit
(5.9.40609.20145, 09.06.2014)
Work In Progress
(6.0.14210.9091, 29.07.2014)


Just an FYI… not related to the Vray in Rhino 5 issue.

Unlike Rhino 4/5, Rhino 5 plug-ins will not run in Rhino 6 without recompiling. At this point, since the SDK is not stable, the plug-ins would need to be recompiled for each new weekly WIP build.

In other words, don’t expect your 3rd party plug-ins to be available until the SDK is frozen… (not soon).

Do you mean that you are not seeing the same problems that Tobias is seeing?

I really can’t think of what the cause of the problem would be that you are seeing Tobias. Serengeti should look like a completely separate application to Windows and should not be sharing any files or resources with V5. Does V-Ray provide any error message when you opened V5?

VRay is loading ans running as expected for me.

All works OK here. I have the v6 WIP and v5 SR9 with V-Ray 2.0.

Hi guys,
I wanted to be sure so I:

  1. Installed V6
  2. Started V5 - Vray loads fine
  3. Restarted Windows
  4. Started V5 - Vray failed to load
  5. Uninstalled V6
  6. Started V5 - Vray failed to load
  7. Restarted Windows
  8. Started V5 - Vray loads fine

When Vray refuses to load I got the standard plugin load-failing message:

thx, Tobias