could anybody help me putting the Selectionfilter as a toggle on a key, like F4?
When I am working on SubD it is driving me crazy, that I have to close the window that pops up, to turn back to “normal”.
Thanks and sorry if I was too stupid to search/find
The macro to toggle the SelectionFilter dialog is as follows: '_SelectionFilter
You can also create macros for individual object types using the dash version of the command -_SelectionFilter plus all of the command line options you want to activate/deactivate.
Thanks for your answer @Helvetosaur !
Is it possible to have selectionfilter_ Points and selectionfilter disable(or whatever brings it back to normal)on the same key? I am not at a pc right now… Tomorrow I will try my best
To a limited extent, yes. Unfortunately the SelectionFilter is not all that easily macro-able. You can set it to toggle the dialog box on and off (which makes it active/inactive) with a particular certain setting. However, it is not possible with the same macro to bring back the “full-on” setting afterwards. So a macro like this will toggle the dialog and set it to “only points”:
Which keeps the dialog open but simply toggles the enable/disable setting. However, if you want to reset the filter dialog to ‘all’ afterwards you need a different macro:
I am going to look into the possibility of scripting this, it looks like the settings are exposed in RhinoCommon.
thanks again @Helvetosaur ,
a problem seems to be that for editing SubD Vertices, I need to turn on SubObjects, which messes eversthing else up, I want to move.
Like so often, something which seems very basic turns out way more complicated…
Thanks again for your time!