Selecting VA objects in a Grasshopper panel

I am pretty sure I have already asked about this, but I can’t find the answer…
I badly need a tool to select VA objects existing in a project, something like a geometry pipeline. Pointing and picking is not sufficient, as I have quite a lot of objects, also I change and add new ones. Is it possible?
Regards, Jaro

Hi Jaro,
There is no Geometry Pipeline component for VisualARQ objects, but we have plans to develop one in future versions.
I know it’s not the same, but you can use the component “IsKindOf” to filter those VisualARQ objects from a selection of Rhino and VisualARQ geometry. Find definition attached.

VisualARQ Geometry (5.4 KB)

Hello Francesc,
Thank you very much, for now I am satified, a bit :wink:
The pain is when I add an element… I think a similiar problem is when generating tables (windows, doors) - every time I add something to the design I have to prepare a new table. It would be fantastic if the tables could collect elements automatically.
Also, I still work with Rhino 5 and I don’t have access to Grasshopper 1.0 procedures - could you add “VA geometry” to the older version?
Thank you in advance!
Regards, Jaro

I agree. This request was already planned but I add your vote to it.

The “VisualARQ Geometry” component already exists in VisualARQ for Rhino 5. (Params > Architectural objects > Object)
So that definition should work in Rhino 5.

@jerry.bakowski , good news. VisualARQ 2 - Version 2.5 released includes a VisualARQ Object Pipeline component in Grasshopper, as you requested!

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I don’t use VisualARQ but I would like to give it a try in the future, so I check from time to time what are you guys up to.
Because of that, I must say, it’s a pity that you made a copy of native GH Geometry Pipeline component, since the Dynamic Geometry Pipeline from the Human plugin is much better… Clickable icons look cool, but in that tool, to be truely efficient, there must be dynamic inputs for Layer, Name and Type.


Hello Francesc,
I have just checked the option, it works perfectly :slight_smile:
The only drawback there is no option for spaces…
Cheers, Jaro

Ok, we will add it in upcoming versions.

@Czaja, all right, we will study this other version of Geometry Pipeline for future versions.

Is it possible to go further and filter by style? like what vaSelSameStyle would do but in GH.

Hi @kinandeeb, yes this is possible. See gif and gh file attached.VisualARQ selection by (9.0 KB)

Hey Francesc, this has worked like a charm, Thank you!

@jerry.bakowski , VisualARQ 2.6 is already available to download, which includes the Space object in the VisualARQ Geometry Pipeline component: VisualARQ 2 - Version 2.6 released

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Yes, I’ve already tested, it works perfectly :slightly_smiling_face:
Cheers, Jaro

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