Select all families from a categorie

I like select all the families from a categorie. I try to do it with the "query families"component but i get a text list but i need an element list.

My target is select all the families from the categorie to change the name of some families

Are you looking for Types or the actual Instances in a project? Here are a few ways to get there…

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My intention is add characters to the familys name then i don´t need work with the types, only with the families.
In this way i can change one family name but i like to change all the families names on the curtain panel categorie that have one character and component families picker only let me choose one family.

And in this way i get the types but not the families.

I need a component like query families but the outout not be a text if not an element.


There are differences in Family Types, Symbols, Instances and the actual Family.

Here i use the Element Classes Filter to gather Family Elements, then get only Furniture Category Elements before renaming with a prefix (13.3 KB)

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Here is why the Query Families outputs text…

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Thanks so much @Japhy .
I have just found a way also. I use a custom component called “type Family” ( Rhino.Inside®.Revit).


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