Seasonal Sun Study not playing

I successfully rendered a seasonal sun study, there’s the correct number of rendered images in the folder I chose, but the HTML file that is created is missing something for it to work.
Here’s the header of the file and the error:

@marika_almgren are you in charge of these commands?
Trying to be clear, everything works as expected except that the web page created by the command doesn’t show the images.

Both “one-day sun study” and “seasonal sun study” creates HTML files that don’t work. I tried in Safari and Chrome.
I don’t know Javascript and can’t find the error.
I join the HTML file if someone has time to check it.
Tarp-02.html (10.8 KB)

The Sun study in Rhino is handled by @rajaa
Can you please post your System Information (Help > System Information…) here so we know what version of Rhino you’re currently running? Thanks!

Yep, here it is.

sysInfo.txt (5.2 KB)

The HTML file generated on my Windows computer is working correctly.

The command “_RecordAnimation” could be improved;
-The target folder is not remembered
-There’s no indication it’s running when we start it

@rajaa, so are you able to get a working HTML file out of SetSeasonalSunAnimation and SetOneDaySunAnimation on MacOS?

I found the problem.
On MacOS, with French-Canadian localization, the tool gets the date in a format that is not compatible with the script.
On the left, the SetOneDayAnimation on MacOS and on the right, the same command on Windows:

Thank you for sharing this information. Filed here…

Thanks Rajaa.