One day sun study - sun is wrong!

It seems that when I make a “one day sun study” annimation, the sun angles and elevations generated are wrong. (i’m sure that all settings in the animation dialogue is filled in correctly)
I´ve compared with altitudes and headings created by the rhino dokument sun, manual settings off, wich seems to be correct, but not when generated by the animation tool. I need to generate an animation with 5 min steps for two full days, and setting sun for every frame is not really an option.

Yes, this is an old bug, and I thought it had been fixed in recent versions… What version of Rhino are you running?


Hi Mitch.
I´m running rhino5 sr12… think i´m up to date.

OK, then maybe it was never fixed… I think @rajaa is the person in charge…


OK, thanks.

@Mads_Heinberg can you please share the file and a screen capture of the settings you are using?