Scrolling with a Wacom pen / making Rhino more Wacom friendly

I can’t find settings that makes the side Panels, Wacom Pen scrollable?

Is there a way to do that ? and if not can this be please added?

Thanks a lot

It looks like it’s possible if you set one of the buttons on the stylus to “Scroll” and then click and drag in the panel. Set this in the OSX system preferences for Wacom > the button > Navigation > Scroll. The touch ring also works if you have one of those on your tablet.

Thank you
Yes, I set one button to scroll function. I’ll try to see if I can get use to it. [it’s the different pen behaviour between apps that make’s it tricky]

I set the touch wheel for fast swap between view port.
there’s an issue there… I’ll open a new thread for it.

thanks a lot

Hi @Akash
If you do not use Middle Mouse Button as me, you can set up as below:

Hold MMB + Drag on tablet = Zoom.
By the way, I think Rhino should learn from other software like Fusion who worked with Wacom to optimize experience with tablet.

Hi Thanks
Actually the post was about Scrolling not zooming.
I’m well aware of the pen buttons option, only that agronomical they are not all that comfortable.
I do use the pen for zooming but only In Zbrush [ pen buttons are not needed in that app]
In Rhino [and in Fusion] a 3DConnexion device is much better for navigation + zooming
