Saving new file visualarq objects

Hi, I have an issue upon saving a new file from an existing one. The newly created saves without the visualarq/ifc imported object. These are the messages I’m getting:

File successfully saved as \xxxx

2022.08.25 11:18:06.704 +02:00 [1] | WARN | API Error: RemoveModelInstance: Instance does not exist
2022.08.25 11:18:06.719 +02:00 [1] | WARN | API Error: CreateModelFromGeometry: Invalid parameter (vertexBuffer is NULL or vertexBufferSize is 0)
2022.08.25 11:18:06.719 +02:00 [1] | WARN | API Error: AddModelInstance: Model does not exist
2022.08.25 11:18:06.735 +02:00 [1] | WARN | API Error: RemoveModel: Model does not exist

What this might be related to and how could i solve it ?

Hi @sleau,

What do you mean? You open the file, try to “Save as” and after that there are no objects in the file? Please, could you describe all the steps you are following? Also, we would need the file to reproduce the error; you can post it here or send it to


I open the file, save it as a new 3dm file. However the new file ends up having half the size of the original and all of the visualarq objects arent there. Also the objects from an imported IFC file that are “identified” by visualarq also dissapeared. unfortunately can’t post the file here but will send it through email to the email

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