I have a lot of curves whose length I want to retrieve for use in Excel.
How can I copy a length obtained by Length command to the clipboard??
If you export as object properties, you can export the length of curves as .csv and import to a spreadsheet.
Or, you can use length command, click on your objects and then highlight the result on the command line and copy.
Is there a script to COPY the line of result (on command line) ?
Having a lot of lines it is a hard work to analyse, highlight and copy… !!
You can do this with a script easily, but I’m so lazy today that I had ChatGPT do it. You can run this in a button or in the script editor. In Rhino 7, the command is RunPythonScript, and then nav to the saved script file. Or create a button with command like ‘!_RunPythonScript’ followed by the full path to the script in double-quotes.
copylengthtoclipboard.py (939 Bytes)
Thanks for infos.