Roof from VisualARQ 2 doesn't open well in VisualARQ 3

And, by the way, the is some bug with roof model. Here is a model made entirely with VA2 / Rhino 6, almost plain VA objects, plus some additional geometry (mostly planes) for controlling objects geometry. The file opened with Rhino 8 / VA 3, without model regenerating looks as it should be:

But regenerating it completely messes the roof geometry:

Looks like VA 3 doesn’t like roof slopes set to 90 degrees…

Cheers, Jaro

@jerry.bakowski Please share that file so we can check what’s going on.


Got it! I’ll report it to the development team and get back to you when we fix it.

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@jerry.bakowski I encourage you to open the same file with the new VA3 Beta version. You will get a nice surprise: New VisualARQ 3 Beta 5 released! - #6 by enric

Well, I’ve got encouraged and opened it :wink: The roof is fine now, but take a look at some walls, extended up to it:

Some part of them flows above the roof, up to their initial height. And - maybe it is some kind of a clue - there is only a core layer of the walls above the roof.
Cheers, Jaro

Hi @jerry.bakowski I didn’t notice that bug when I tested it. :thinking:
If you change the height of those walls to a smaller value (lower than the roof), the problem seems to resolve.

We will take a look at this anyway.