Gable Roof Edge Cut Bug?


just noticed when I create a fairly basic Gable Type Roof, and specify the edge cut as square, it results in a square cut on one side, while the other side remains a plumb cut.
Might be a bug?

Please clarify.



Could you post a file that shows this error?
In a very quick test here, it appears to work as it should:

Here you go.



Test.3dm (2.81 MB)

Hi Franziska,

Yes, this is a bug in VisualARQ 2.0. I’ve been checking your model and I’ve discovered that this bug appears when you edit the grip points of the roof, and some edges that are not exactly equal to the original shape may use a wrong end. This happens because we need to set to “plumb end” all edges that join adjacent slabs, but the code that detect these edges had a bug and may set plumb end to wrong edges.

I’ve fixed the bug in VisualARQ 2.0.16. Here is the download link to the latest build:

You’ll need to run vaUpdate command on the roof to regenerate it.

Please, test it a let me know if it works or if you see any other error that I may have introduced with this fix.



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It worked. Thanks.
One bug less, congrats!

One more, how would you go about turning into the roof shown in the attached file?

If I edit the slopes, I cannot adjust the slope values to represent the steeper angles on the end slopes.
In Rhino it would be a few wire cuts. But the wire cut does not work on the VA elements as far as I can see.

Hi Franzsika,

As VisualARQ splits roofs into slopes at each contour point, creating this kind of roofs is complicated, but not impossible. There are two possible solutions:

  1. Use 3 different roofs: 1 hip for the center part, and 2 added shed roofs to extend the front and back slopes.
  2. Use a single hip roof, and use two solids to subtract the lateral slopes.

Here is a model with the two roofs: Roofs.3dm (4.8 MB)



Hey there thnks for another helpful reply.

In Rhino it was fairly easy, but than it means I would loose the VA geometry, so your solution is better.
And my aim is for me to learn doing things with VA and not do it only in Rhino.

Another “interesting thing” is popping up when you select your version 2. If you rotate that complete model by 90 degrees around 0,0,0 the end walls split. Bizarre. Why does that happen?
When I copy rotate and delete the original its ok again…

Last not least your roof has the same slope on all sides, but the realone is steeper at the ends and has a long apex. By the way its great that you can give advice! Makes learning such things much easier!

Hi Franziska, that should not happen. Do you have a hidden wall in that position? that might explain the gap in the middle of that wall. Otherwise, please send us the model ( and we will check it out to figure out what’s happening.

Regarding your second question, you can change the angle of each one of the slopes of a roof individually. You can do it from the Properties panel, after selecting the roof:
