Road Bike Helmet Concept


Designing motorcycle helmets is always an adventure—especially when clients want to add, change, and tweak things along the way. Luckily, Sub-D Surfacing makes updating base geometry quick and easy. Pair that with NURBs detailing, and you can build designs packed with detail and ready to 3D print without breaking a sweat.

In the attached videos and images, you’ll see how texture mapping, environment creation, and decal placement make client presentations way more exciting, engaging, and informative. Throw AI into the mix, and you can bring designs to life before a single part is molded!

I’ve been using Rhino since my ArtCenter College of Design days back in 1998. I finally upgraded from Rhino 5 to Rhino 8 recently and immediately kicked myself for waiting so long. The built-in rendering is so good I’ve ditched my old rendering software completely.


very cool! what does the rhino model look like in shaded view? I’m curious to see how much AI went into this final image

Hi Kyle,

The Shaded view is NURBS. I converted from SubD to NURBS for fine detailing as usual. The AI was taking my drawings, sketches and Photoshop comps into various AI programs online to take into animation.

I hope you like the work. I’m hoping to drum up some work by posting these images in case there are any clients that can use this kind of imaging. Who knows…worth the try…I’m retired and just trying to bring in a couple of bucks… ha ha

Again, I’m indebted to you for your posted videos…they were essential in my Rhino 8 intro and continued education… Here is an image that shows the rendered and shaded views of the helmet…again, the helmet here is NURBS…but was developed in SubD.

I’m not sure if you got this, so I’m resending Kyle. Here is an image of the rendering and the NURBS in shaded view. AI program used was LUMA.

Let me know if there is any thing I can help with…Jim


nice work :muscle: