RhinoToolbars & iCloud Drive

I know some developers say that they save Rhino files directly to iCloud Drive, but I never do because you can end up with a file without a file extension, or worse, no file at all (not even the original).

However, I do point my RhinoToolbars.rui to my iCloud Drive… and I just discovered that this doesn’t work well either:



Oh, great!

When Rhino 7 starts, it creates RhinoToolbars.rui on my iCloud drive.

When Rhino 7 closes, it creates a new toolbars file… I’m up to 18 now. :roll_eyes:

Sounds more like an iCloud Drive problem than a Rhino problem. Doesn’t happen with Dropbox for example…

Oh, look at that! It’s still happening…

Different naming convention on the file this time, though. :man_shrugging:

When you close Rhino, it does the following (as far as I understand):

  1. writes out the toolbar file first as a temp file (I don’t know where)
  2. if the previous step is successful, it renames the previously existing toolbar file to toolbarfilename.rui_bak - overwriting any existing .rui_bak of the same name
  3. then it renames the temp file from the first step to toolbarfilename.rui.

In your case it looks like the overwrite part is not being allowed, hence it creates a new .rui_bak file each time.

You could test this theory by forcing a save of the toolbars inside Rhino by going to Preferences>Toolbars and doing a File>Save from the menu there, and observe what happens on iCloud Drive.

There is no issue when I save manually.

I use OneDrive to keep my templates, options and toolbars synced between my 3 computers and it works flawless unless I try to open Rhino on more than 1 computer at the same time.
When I do, it creates one new file named “ufubo.rui-COMPUTERNAME.rui”. Otherwise, no issiues with OneDrive.

OK, that’s interesting. So the procedure for saving the .rui when Rhino closes is different somehow than when you force a toolbar file save with Rhino still open. I have no idea why that might happen.