Hello. I have been using Rhino (5,6,7) in two computers; at work during day and at home in the evening. Because I love to customize the workspace according to my needs and I want to keep it same in all devices, I put my RUI files and .ini option files to a OneDrive location. So when I close the Rhino last open Rhino window, my latest toolbar setup was saved to the RUI file automatically and when I get home, I can use Rhino with the exact same UI I used at work, always.
Now I’m struggling to keep UI’s in sync. I save RUI files, RHC files, RHW files manually to a cloud folder after I do changes, and when I get home I manually import them, but I lose some buttons and toolbars in the containers. Some buttons are changed with empty ones.
Can you suggest a workflow for keeping things in sync?
Also I can’t choose the RUI file when I’m creating a new macro, button or toolbar. It sometimes creates it in default.rui and sometimes in my custom .rui file.
All this is currently broken, you cannot rely on successfully saving .rui, rhc and .rhw files right now (see multiple posts by me and others). Maybe the next service release candidate (8.6) will bring some changes.
More or less everything you know about toolbars and work spaces from Rhino 7 and earlier no longer applies…
I’m on 8.6.24101.5001. I just started syncing toolbars and containers and a few of my buttons were eaten.
I think it has something to do with the containers, so I am going to try syncing just the toolbars to see if they get corrupted. I’ll make the containers by hand on each machine which is actually easier than manually exporting and importing them one by one.
I’m on 8.7 SRC, the official 8.7 should be released this coming week.
Saving.rui files works. I haven’t tried containers or workspaces. I don’t use workspaces. I personally don’t bother with containers either, if I want to transfer settings to another machine, I just copy the entire settings folder over along with the .rui.
I guess the problem might be how V8 handles the .rui files. In V7 and earlier, Rhino would directly use the .rui file in your OneDrive (or any folder you keep your custom file). Now it makes a copy of it in “C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\8.0\settings\Scheme__Default” folder and uses it. So you have to manually save it to your synced folder everyday before leaving work.
And it can’t be automated because neither -ExportRuiFile or -Options Toolbars can be used in a macro. Plus, there’s an option to always run a command when Rhino starts, but not on Rhino exit.
I don’t see this… I made a copy of an .rui from my custom setup in a folder in my Dropbox and imported it in a new scheme “May Test”. I even made a new button in one of the .rui toolbars and saved it from the new scheme. This is what I now see in the settings folder:
No .rui file there. The .rui in the Dropbox folder was saved when I saved it manually.
The automatic saving of an .rui when Rhino closes is currently turned off. As there were a bunch of bugs that could ruin an .rui file when saving, autosaving was temporarily suspended. I’m sure it will get turned back on soon - I think all of those .rui saving bugs have been fixed in the last SR.
So you do currently need to manually save an .rui if you make changes and you want them to be in the .rui. However even if you don’t save, they are stored in a temp .xml file until you do, so they are not lost. The “differential” changes are currently stored in the file highlighted in yellow below:
Saving the .rui and closing Rhino will push those changes into the .rui and that temp file will be deleted. This temp file system will soon disappear as far as I know and .rui changes will be automatically saved directly in the .rui.
Do you mean the current SR6 or the upcoming SR7? I’ve experienced multiple bugs with SR6. All those bugs appear after using Options → Toolbars → Save *.RUI and exporting a container.
Interesting. Yeah, I didn’t find an RUI in appdata either.
I’m on the Service release candidates, so yes, 8.7, the most recent SRC - which is what will be released as the official 8.7 Service release sometime tomorrow.
My bad. Those .rui files I mentioned are not in the original settings folder, they are in a temporary backup folder created by Rhino. That’s visible on the Everything screenshot.
Thanks for the other information.