Rhino8: GhPython makes Grasshopper takes a long time to start

Recently move to Rhino 8, while developing GH plugins using net48.

It seems when I start to debug with Rhino 8, the GH interface always takes a long time (1-5 min) to start, and the startup progress bar stops at “Loading remote assembly GhPython”…)

Is this related to the fact that I sometimes kill Rhino process directly from VS2022? Or is it possible to temporarily disable the GhPython assembly?


I do have the same problem…

It disappeared after I restarted and did some clean up.
But I don’t know exactly what caused it. Perhaps the cache folder.

In the past, it happens time to time (after Rhino crash, or after I kill Rhino from VS2022).

Hope some McNeel staff can shed some light here.

We are looking into it, there was a similar report internally the other day, waiting to get more info before creating/posting the youtrack. It is on our radar.

@xliotx Which rhino version? Also when GH is loading and taking a long time, do you see a progress bar on Rhino status bar?

Rhino 8.
Nope, only GH progress bar stopped.

@xliotx Okay. We made a lot of improvements over how the language startup process is reported.

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This is cool!

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In my case there is always an additional window opening counting some errors and loading issues. I just didn`t see that window because it is kinda hidden when i am starting grasshopper while having an extra screen connected to my laptop. The window still appears every time, but gh works and i guess this is just because i have some plug-ins installed that are not compatible with rhino8…

Any new workaround or improvement?

Rhino is on 8.17 SRC right now and there has been massive improvements since March 2024.

My question is related to this subject only