Uhm , i cannot try rhino 7 wip . how to fix it this ?
What version if Windows is that? It could be a compatibility issue with windows.
Hi Willem,
i install rhino_en-us_7.0.20042.09575 , i using windows7 64bit.
uhm compatibility issue with windows ? no , am using rhino 6 is ok .
Even for Rhino 6 the minimum supported version is Windows 8.1. You’re lucky that Rhino 6 runs there.
Rhino 7 WIP uses probably even more modern technology from the Windows world that wasn’t in Windows 7.
From the system requirements page:
Not supported:
ARM processors
Windows 8
Windows 7
Windows XP 64-bit
Windows Vista, NT, 95, 98, ME, or 2000
Windows 32-bit all versions
Virtualization systems on macOS such as VMWare and Parallels
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