I’m adding 3DM support to my application with the .NET Rhino3dmIO and it seems some of the properties to create a Rhino.Geometry.AngularDimension are not exposed. For example to create a LinearDimension I have access to ExtensionLine1End,ExtensionLine2End, but nothing like this for the AngularDimension. Any clue where these properties are?
Yes, the class looks rather thin. My only suggestion, at this time, is to use the C++ version of openNURBS, as we will need to make some additions to the Rhino3dmIO tookit.
I’m recreating the Rhino.Geometry objects into my own objects types. I would need the points to properly locate the dimension on it’s plane. So textpos, center, startpt and endpt. RadialDimension seems to also have missing properties.
There’s no emergency. Actual geometry is more important for now, so I can wait for the .NET wrapper update. I’m doing every geometry type one-by-one so if I find anything else missing, I will add it here.
Do you have a test .3DM file containing every object type possible in Rhino? I have one with the most obvious, but I’m guessing some of the more obscure curve types could come from various imports. This could be a huge help in anticipating weird stuff.