Rhino API C# AngularDimension Bugs & Issues

Rhino 7,
Api with Visual Studio with C#,

i try to create a AngularDimension with 8 arguments, but is not working.
Is this a popular Issues?
Its works only with 7 Arguments.

Example Code:

  protected override Result RunCommand(RhinoDoc doc, RunMode mode)

            Point3d oPoint_A_Start = new Point3d(1, 1, 0);
            Point3d oPoint_A_End = new Point3d(1, 4, 0);

            Point3d oPoint_B_Start = new Point3d(2, 1, 0);
            Point3d oPoint_B_End = new Point3d(4, 4, 0);

            Line oLine_A = new Line(oPoint_A_Start, oPoint_A_End);
            Line oLine_B = new Line(oPoint_B_Start, oPoint_B_End);

            Line oLine_X = new Line(oPoint_A_End, oPoint_B_End);

            Point3d oPoint_X = oLine_X.PointAtLength(1.5);

            Plane oWorkPlane = Plane.WorldXY;
            Vector3d oVector_X = oWorkPlane.XAxis;

            DimensionStyle oDS = new DimensionStyle();
            AngularDimension oAngularDimension = AngularDimension.Create(oDS, oWorkPlane, oVector_X, oPoint_A_Start, oPoint_B_Start, oPoint_A_End, oPoint_B_End, oPoint_X);

            return Result.Success;

My Goal is to use this Methode:
AngularDimension.Create Method (DimensionStyle, Plane, Vector3d, Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, Point3d) (mcneel.github.io)

Thanks for any Suggestion

The method you refer to was added in Rhino 8. This can be seen in the documentation link under the header “Since”. If you use this link you can browse the documentation for v7.

Update: unfortunately, choosing v7 in the upper right hand corner does not limit the documentation to v7. I will make a YouTrack issue for this.