Rhino with resurf plugin gave strange geometry

Hello all,

I am a new user of Rhino resurf plugin, only few hours of experience on it. I followed an example as:

with my simple mesh in .stl format as shown in Fig. 1 in attached pdf file. Using the impressive resurf plugin, I could create the curve network and create surface as shown in Fig. 2. But, I am not able to get to the last step where the geometry is saved (or exported). Instead, when I made boolean and exported the resulting surface geometry as .stl file, it contains much finer triangular elements on the surface, see Fig. 3. I am sure I am missing some thing. How can I get the geometry only with the polysurface (or patches) without the fine mesh like geometry.

Please find the attached files and thank you in advance for your time and support.

Best regards,

Images.pdf (373.1 KB)Rhino1.stl (5.7 MB)

You may Email them. They respond email pretty fast. They speak English.

Thanks. I could solve the problem by myself.