Dear Mc-Neel Rhino 7 Developers
if i open a rhino v6 document, in WIP 7 do some modifications but do not want to save it - i can not quite Rhino WIP 7…
the workarround is to save a “delete_me.3dm” file, quit rhino WIP 7 and delete the file.
But this is a bit annoying…
thanks for allowing a quite without save.
best - tom
I can’t duplicate this.
I opened a V6 file. moved a surface, and Cmd+Q.
I clicked Revert changes and no problem.
Are you still having this problem?
currently using Version 7 WIP (7.0.20140.16016, 2020-05-19) works fine with the
revert changes option.
sorry for not posting the version the error occurred.
thanks for having a look at it - best Tom
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