Rhino V8 Layout Detail Copy Paste Drag gremlin


Rhino V8 is misbehaving when copying and pasting Details on a Layout.

After pasting, I would normally drag the new detail to a vacant position on the layout. After dragging, the new datail is empty.

I then use Ctrl-Z to undo the ReplaceDetail, Ctrl-Z to undo the drag, then Ctrl-Z to undo the paste. At that stage, all details are corrupted.

That means that there are 2 problems: the empty paste and the undo corruption.

The corruption is probably related to Rhino 6 layout corruption - #4 by coffsoft which has been awaiting attention for 9 months.

Version 8 SR12
(8.12.24261.13001, 2024-09-17)

After Copy Paste Drag to create and position the copy of the Section CC detail…

Showing the empty new detail…

After the first 2 Ctrl-Z actions…

After the third Ctrl-Z action…

SysInfo.txt (2.5 KB)

KDRDetailCopyProblem.3dm (2.3 MB)

Regards, Garry.

Hi Garry -

Thanks, I see that here → RH-83914 Undo: Changes Layer Visibility in Details

@wim I know why the new detail is empty. It is because I had turned off New Detail On for all layers. However, to be a truly useful feature, this new setting should relate only to genuinely NEW details, not to copied details. I think this deserves another fix request.

Regards, Garry.

@wim You might want to cross reference RH-78838 and RH-83914.

Regards, Garry.

Hi Garry -

Yes. It looks like this was recently fixed for copying with the Gumball or with the Copy command, but not for the Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V workflow.
→ RH-83927 Detail: Copy Should Keep Properties

Done, thanks.

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RH-83914 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 14

@brian Thank you. That part is working as expected. I will keep this open pending RH-83927.

Regards, Garry.