Hi, i want create a common plugin digitizer in c#, but I don’t understand the control flow about the functions EnableDigitizer & calibration, and how send correctly the points ( digitizer event , aka mouse buttons ). Basically how the common plugin should works. I translate the control flow from the cpp example to my common plugin in c#, but looks weird when i disconnect the digitizer (i cant reconnect again). Where can i find a full example about the digitizer in c#?, the example from the “RhinoCommon templates for v5” , are not enough for me . thank you. ( sorry for my english )
Hi Ignacio,
We don’t have a sample 3D digitizer plug-in for C#. But we do have a sample 3D digitizer plug-in for C++ that is well commented:
Does this help?
– Dale
OK, thank you. Actually I’m using that example. But I don’t understand, how can I implement the “Digitizer Normal Line”?. Is using the method “SendPoint”?. Thanks. Actually the other digitizer functions like “Multiple Points” & “Curve” are done automatically.
I think you want to call DigitizerPlugin.SendRay
– Dale
Thank you. Its me again , How often I can call SendRay?, I found that I should call this function each 33ms. If I call this function more frequently ( < 33 ms ) the “Ray” is not sent correctly ( the point appears after 5 seconds or more, or doesn’t appear, and the digitizer toolbar buttons are frozen ). Thank you.
The digitizers that Rhino currently supports send a point every 15 milliseconds or so. They also do so from a different thread (than Rhino’s main thread).
Im using the original SampleDigitizer project from the GitHub. Im playing with the function “ThreadProc” initialized when the digitizer is started. When i set a delay in each iteration of 100ms, the interface responds well, but, when i set a delay of 20 ms, the interface looks frozen, ( does not respond to my keyboard and mouse, and i cant switch of tool, but the 3d coordinates are refreshing in the 3d scene ). What am I doing wrong? . What handle waits “WaitForSingleObject”?
This is the code. ( all the rest of code, is the original project)
static DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc( LPVOID pVoid )
CSampleDigitizerPlugIn* pPlugIn = (CSampleDigitizerPlugIn*)pVoid;
ASSERT( pPlugIn );
while( 1 )
Sleep( 100 ); // 100ms or 20ms
ON_3dPoint pt = ON_3dPoint( rand(), rand(), rand() ); // random point
pPlugIn->SendPoint( pt, 0 );
return 0;